Doorway To The One And Only Truth

Find The One And Only Thing You Can Control… And Be It! (Part 2 Of 2)

Dear friend and spiritual seeker,

In the previous communication to this email series, I hope I managed to - once again - establish how, essentially, your feeling of being in control of things is - almost entirely - an illusion.

Here, however, I should probably clarify that up to a certain point (or to be more precise, stage of spiritual evolution) the illusion of control is a great thing.

It’s a powerful motivator, you see, and a potential source of immense self-confidence, which can lead to (the perception of) one’s life unfolding in a virtuous cycle-like fashion.

However, and very importantly, I hope this doesn’t apply to you, dearest friend.

At least, not anymore.

I hope you are beyond that, after working your way through the One and Only Truth Manifesto, the spiritual awakening master guidebook for the ages, as well as the self-realisation advanced live seminars.

Aren’t you (beyond...)?

(If not, do yourself a favour and go through the aforementioned material).

Or are you still unsure about that?

And, by the way - and if that is the case - tell me:

Who exactly remains unsure about all that?


If so, you can maybe have a look at this.

Will it help?

Unclear, yet…

… ultimately, and always, up to You.

To the (One and Only) True You, that is.

Now, having said this…

… I still owe you something, which I had promised you in the previous post:

The one thing which you truly control.

And this is…

But, before I tell you all about it, let me ask you:

What is it that everything that’s happening, both outside and inside of you, truly wants from you?

Because that’s what’s truly been going on ever since you’ve been aware of “yourself” as a (supposedly) stand-alone entity:

Every living person, event, situation, feeling or idea demands something specific from you.

Essentially, this is always the same thing, despite what the, ever-changing and ultimately misleading, manifestations or appearances may indicate to you.

That one thing happens to also be…

… (maybe you have guessed it by now)…

… the one thing you truly have complete control upon.

It is…

… drum roll…

… your attention, of course!

This is what everything in your world is truly craving for.

Regardless, again, of the manifold ways this craving is disguised.

The key, here, is to constantly remember that you are not “in” the world – or even “of” it.

That is, you are not one of many, supposedly infinite and autonomous, distinct “cells of existence”.

Instead, and in reality, everything that you see is in your mind.

Modern physics, neuroscience and philosophy - at least, the proponents of these disciples’ most advanced, open-minded versions - would second me on that in a heartbeat.

In this sense, everything you perceive or conceive desperately needs YOUR attention in order to survive in YOUR world.

And, since I constitute no exception to this general rule, I strongly call for your attention at this point.

This, mind you, is no figurative speaking at all.

On the contrary, it is as literal as it gets.

Whatever you place your attention upon is fed and sustained by it.

In the same way, once you remove your attention away from anything, it withers and dies.

So, then, the next big question to you is:

What are you to do?

Where should you place your attention upon?

The correct answer is:

Back to your attention itself!

Be aware of your awareness, in other words.


By completely identifying yourself with it.

Which can be translated in two different ways:

By accepting to give your attention to everything that demands it from you, only for as long as it needs it, and then let it go and move on, or…

… by refusing to place your attention on anything else other than your pure, ground-like, essential sense of Being, allowing, other than that, things to play out as they are destined to, while ignoring, or stepping away from, your mind’s constant interference (that is, ceaseless commentary).

Which of the two shall it be, then, friend?

You likely have an idea already, haven’t you?

If yes, proceed and experiment with it.

Everything in this universe is subject to the trial-and-error scheme at the end of the day, and the (One and Only) Truth - who You actually are - is, anyway, never at stake or in danger.

If, in the other hand, you have no idea about which way you need to go, maybe - just maybe - you’d want to get in touch directly with me.

As directly as it gets.

Be with you, at you or even YOU a bit later, you awareness provider, you.


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