how to enjoy life, anytime, all the time

How To Enjoy Life, Anytime, All The Time

The thing is, dear friend and spiritual awakening seeker, that there is nothing you can actively do to enjoy life anytime, all the time.

This is simply because you cannot “do” what you already, truly, are

… beneath and beyond (as well as through) it all.

You could however try to “undo” all that keeps you at a safe/unsafe/fail-safe (?) distance from your one and only true self.


At least, in theory.


And, surely, in this case, this is the most advanced, deep and undisputed spiritual awakening theory you are looking at - however…

… it’s still nothing but a theory.


It is an idea – simple or composite, depending on where you stand, your idiosyncrasy and your needs at this very moment – and the fact of the matter is that an idea…

… (any idea, in fact, no matter how ingenious, original or comprehensive it may be)…

… can never contain reality – your reality, your (again, and always: One and Only) Truth.

OK, this all sounds good and nice on paper or… in theory, but what can you practically do about it?

Here’s the tricky part – and the biggest reason why this is so tricky is its overwhelming, hard-to-swallow, simplicity:

What you can truly do is…


… never rely on any idea of any kind for anything.


At least, not for a period longer than the – proverbial or not so - split second…

… during which a particular idea seems to apply perfectly to your occasional – and, unavoidably, momentary, instantaneous and fleeting – life situation.

Here, it’s also important to realise that since no moment in the universe – more accurately: the form that said moment assumes – is like any other…

… it is meaningless to even entertain the notion of a specific (and therefore static and unchanged) idea…

… that is supposed to, hypothetically, serve you well in multiple instances (i.e., in any other instance than the single one at which that idea truly, and perfectly, applies).

Which, yes, translates into the following – subtle, yet firm – command which, if you keep your ears open…

… you will hear the Universe persistently (if gently) whispering to you:


“Get rid of all ideas, all notions, all compulsive thinking”.


Don’t believe that you need to think who you are…

… and, subsequently, what you want out of – your (?) – life…

in order to be (and get) it.

Instead - and simply - be who you are - here, no effort whatsoever is required from you…

… and let thoughts come and go – as they anyway do…

… engaging with them only so long, and for as long, as you need to.


Don’t make the mistake of suppressing your thoughts!

Let them come to the surface, evaluate them and then either act based upon their direction or – usually, in the overwhelming majority of cases – just ignore them.

Now, you may be wondering:


“But how am I supposed to evaluate my thoughts without… thinking upon them?”.


Dear friend and spiritual seeker, can’t you see that you would be entering a (mental) infinite loop of regression by following this… phantom train of thought?

If you evaluated your thoughts by means of generating secondary, “meta-“ thoughts in order to assess the former, then…

… you would naturally need an even deeper layer of “meta-meta-“ thoughts to assess the latter.

And so on, and so forth, ab aeterno, and ad infinitum…

… which (that is, infinity) is of course always here and now (where and when else could anything exist, anyway?!?).

Besides, can’t you see that since, in each moment whereby you are called upon (by whom, I wonder…?) …

… to take a decision (an evaluation process should always lead, and come down, to that, right?), eventually…

… you, instinctively and abruptly – without a concrete backing explanation or reasoning, really – go ahead and simply take it?

Because, given that, in reality, there is always an infinitude of factors that you could legitimately take into account before clearing a concrete course of action on your part, you need to admit…

… that, concerning any given life situation that you have to opt for one choice out of many…

… if you were truly and unwaveringly committed to performing a really thorough, complete, bullet-proof assessment or evaluation process…

… so as to be able to finally take a decision that nobody – and, first of all, YOU! - could ever contest or dispute…

… you would never reach the point of collecting all such relevant data and information that would, theoretically (of course!) enable you to do so.

In other words…


… you would never take any decision about a single thing in your life!


Now, evidently, this is absurd and pointless, isn’t it?

But the most important thing for you to grasp out of this small, and admittedly (but necessarily) a bit dense analysis is that…

… in reality…


… you never take any decisions based on a truly watertight decision-making process.


In the end, whenever you take any decision, you also, and along with it – regardless of whether you realise it or not – perform a leap of faith.

Or, if you prefer…

… you never, truly take any decision…

… but it’s rather that decisions are taken for you, on your behalf, and for your benefit or at your expense.

(“You”, in this case, being not who you truly are, but who you typically have grown used to, and/or been indoctrinated into, identifying yourself with).

But if that’s true…

… there is not really much you can do, right?


Actually, there is NOTHING you can do!

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how to enjoy life, anytime, all the time

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Which brings us to the point we found ourselves at when this text began; namely, that:

If there’s nothing you can do in this life…

… you can most certainly lean back comfortably at your Seat (the Seat of your One and Only True Self, that is) …

… and, simply, enjoy the ride.

You see, this is how compulsive thinking – and together with it any kind of worry, stress, anxiety, problems – disappears…

… and you are left with the One and Only Truth of Your glorious Being.

(Yes, THE One and Only Glorious Being, in general).

This is how life becomes One with You – and You ARE One with life.

Do you get it?

Or, better and more precisely:


Do you get that there is NOTHING for you to get?


Now, are you tempted / being intimidated (by an emerging thought/idea in your little head, of course!) …

… to treat this viewpoint as extremely nihilistic and ungrounded?

Are you worried that if you were to walk down this – always virgin and off the beaten track – pathway...

... you would lose yourself and anything that currently makes sense to you in your, so-called, life?

If yes, you may – you, indeed, may! – be right, but, again, I am sorry to report that…

… you are missing the point!


And you are missing it because it was never there to begin with...!


It is not, it has never been, nor shall it ever be, “there” (=here).

Now, this probably is a good time for you to pause and give permission yourself to wonder:


Do my words drive you… “crazy”?


Do you find them outrageous – infuriating, even?

Even if it is so…


… you are, nonetheless, still here, with me, reading them closely and carefully, aren’t you?


Listen – or better turn your entire attention inside of you and watch as It rises spontaneously (or not):


Do you sense this burning desire to set yourself free?


Are you keen on always enjoying your life, no matter what is happening in it, at any given moment?

Can you see that the end and the means (as well as the endless...) are but one and the same thing?

Regardless of whether you can or you cannot see it, hear it, or feel it, here and now, you can most certainly do the following:


Mentally abide in the singular, most simple and elementary thing that makes sense to you.


Let that even be one, singular, simple word, if that works best for you – however, make sure it is appropriately “charged” as far as you are concerned.

That means:


Make sure you can look up to and rely on it…

… in ways that you cannot fully explain to anyone else, save (perhaps) ...

... yourself.


Then, go on with your life, reverting back to your special Word (or Phrase or Thing) of choice, first and foremost, when suffering and torment envelops you…

… and eventually as often as you can remember to do so.

Later, allow Its sound (texture, vibration, sensation) to swallow you.

Become Its Voice.

Its Vehicle.

Its Verification.

And finally reach along with It – even by completely identifying yourself with It - the place that nobody can go to…

… because this “place” is already everywhere and nowhere.

And if none of the above makes sense to you (which is perfectly OK and understandable, by the way) …

… I invite you to sing along with me:


Road of Emptiness

Take me Home

I am lost, yet I am here

I am complete, yet I miss something

Happy ever after

Only when I forget about past and future

I become Presence

Your Presence

And in your Presence, I can only breathe

I am, therefore, I think

I think, therefore, I exist

I exist, therefore I am living

I am living, so as to become

What I am not, so as to be

As I truly am


Silent Prayer

Set me free

Let me be your all

Help me see I am already at the Heart

Help me forego and abolish the shadow

Of what I never was and will never be

Take me Home

Road of Emptiness

My One and Only





You are the key and, at the same time, the keyhole, dear friend and spiritual seeker.

Get in!

Get OUT!

Got it?

Got ME?

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