Get "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth"
- The Ultimate Spiritual Awakening Guide Of Our Times -
And Save (At Least...) 67% (Or USD 133)
Off The Book's Standard Price
Dear friend and spiritual awakening seeker, it's jolly good to have you here.
And since you are here, I presume you have already secured and read your copy of "The One And Only Truth Manifesto"...
... which means that you are ready for the very next, crucial, and absolutely defining step on your spiritual awakening journey.
Now, then...
I need your undivided attention...
... because the UNIQUE offer I am about to share with you...
... is valid ONLY for as long as...
... you STAY on this page!
Bear with me; I'll tell you more about that in a moment...
Meanwhile, and since you actually seem to be eager to get going with your spiritual journey, I would like to ask you a question:
What would you be ready to invest to get all you'll ever need to realise your spiritual awakening in one go?
Let me be more specific.
Over the course of human history, thousands of spiritual manuscripts and books have been written.
And in line with pretty much anything else in life, the statistical reality is ruthless also in this case:
The overwhelming majority of these books and texts are rubbish, if not flat-out (and often dangerously) misleading.
Now, this phenomenon intensifies the closer we get to our current times.
Meaning that trying to find a true gem among the most recent books labelled as "spiritual" is much tougher than looking for a needle in a haystack.
(It's actually more like having to look in all the needle factories of the world for just one, very special needle).
Believe me, I'm talking from my very own experience here.
Let's just say that...
You'd find it extremely hard to believe me...
... if I told you how many spiritual (or "spiritual") ...
... books and texts, scrolls and manuscripts...
... I've read over the last 30+ years
And I wouldn't blame you, because the thing is:
I truly have read a lot of spiritual stuff in my life.
You see, I was passionate - some would say: crazy - enough to make an enormous time, financial and emotional investment in my hunt for the absolute elite, the crème de la crème, of spiritual literature.
The reason for this is simple - and I truly hope that this same reason applies to you as well, else you'd better stop reading at this point.
I always knew - and I could sense it, even before I consciously knew it - that:
To find the truth hidden in the spiritual realm...
... is tantamount to finding the master key...
... that unlocks EVERYTHING that truly matters in life!
Yes, absolutely everything.
No exception whatsoever.
You just go ahead and name it:
- Happiness,
- Freedom,
- Creativity,
- Inspiration,
- Intuition,
- Love (so much of it...),
- Divinity,
- Confidence,
- Optimism,
- Mysticism,
- Knowing what to do in each moment,
- Relaxation and release,
- And much, much, MUCH more...!
And, yes, I can now say with absolute certainty that I was right:
At the core of spirituality, one can find the genuine "Philosopher's Stone" ...
... the One and Only Truth...
... that transmutes the whole of life into an uninterruptedly golden, overwhelmingly blissful and showered in infinite love experience.
(Mind you:
The verbal expressions I am using here are not exaggerations...
On the contrary, they fall desperately short of conveying the true feeling of spiritual awakening to you)!
So, finding the One and Only Truth was definitely worth the decades and the tens of thousands of dollars I spent seeking it.
Heck, it was even worth going through the - at times, seeming to be endless - heap of "spiritual" garbage out there.
But... why am I telling you all this?
Because the very moment I realised what the whole world's One and Only Truth is...
...was also the moment when I finally grasped what my critical mission in this life is:
To Help Other Human Beings Wake Up
To This - One And Only - Truth!
[As long, of course, as they are fit (meaning: ready) and ready (meaning: fit) for it.
Are YOU fit and ready for it?
We shall see - or, rather, YOU shall see - very soon].

Now, to be able to accomplish my mission, I realised that the first thing I needed to do was to take the treasure trove of the most transformational spiritual reads of all times that I finally had at my avail and distill from it the most (in-)valuable gems of spiritual wisdom.
Not an easy task, but again...
... absolutely necessary.
Then, the next step was to carefully place all these spiritual diamonds in one place...
... and do that in a cohesive, meaningful, easy to follow, practical and, moreover, drastically impactful way.
This was how my magnum opus, the 720-page and 117,000-word spiritual awakening encyclopedia, was born.
Its fitting (and complete) title?
"How To Realise Your One And Only Truth:
One Hundred And Two (102) Unique Pieces Of Spiritual Guidance
- Fully Explained And Elaborated -
Along With The Top 102 Spiritual Books Of All Times"
This is a monumental and unique spiritual awakening book...
... (I dare anyone out there to find a spiritual book...
... more complete...
... more encompassing...
... more condensed...
... AND also written in easier to follow, more straightforward language...
... than this one) ...
... which I have structured around 102 (one hundred and two) key and extremely powerful spiritual awakening quotes.
These 102 quotes can guide you in your spiritual awakening journey, by showing you a variety of approaches, through which you can, concretely and viscerally…
… familiarise yourself with the Great Unknowable, the Unsolvable Mystery at the Heart of Reality and of yourself…
… a.k.a. life's One and Only Truth.
Now, here’s an indicative (very far from being exhaustive) list of some of the primary and timeless questions of the human condition that these quotes deal with:
- The self-defining – and self-defying - nature of reality and your core Being,
- The mysteries of time and how you can transcend its limitations,
- The purpose and meaning of your life and how to find it,
- The universal, explosive power of paradox and how to harness it, instead of being overwhelmed by it,
- How to deal with your guilts and worries, to the point of completely eradicating them,
- What to be successful truly means,
- How to invite unconditional and inexhaustible inspiration, happiness, love in your life… without having to do a single thing,
- How to deal with any critical and complex situation or dilemma you face in your everyday affairs,
- What is by far the most effective method for setting and pursuing your professional and personal objectives,
- What freedom is truly all about and how you can - not “attain” but rather - align yourself with it,
- What is by far the most catalytic spiritual awakening practice and how you can go about exercising it,
- How to find (=allow yourself to be found by) and recognise your spiritual awakening teacher (a.k.a. Guru),
- How to invite the uncreated, eternal Light that will dispel the darkness which persists in obscuring your ever-bright, ever-shining and even scarily blissful One and Only True Identity…
… and many, many, many more such enlightening deliberations.
And this is not even the whole story – it’s only a small fraction of it, to be frank…
There is much more included in my “How to” spiritual awakening master guidebook, in addition to the 102 key spiritual awakening quotes.
More specifically, each one of the quotes is accompanied by:
- a brief, yet thoroughly descriptive text, which elaborates on all their key elements and explains them as clearly as possible,
- a poetic, allegoric or visceral (attempting the unimaginable: to go beyond words...) “amplification” of their - by definition – elusive meaning, and
- an all-time classic (not necessarily well-known, though) book, text or even phrase, coined in each case by one of the greatest and most drastically effective spiritual awakening masters of all times.
In sum, if you secure your copy of "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth", you'll get:
- 102 powerful spiritual awakening quotes,
- 102 detailed elaborations on said quotes,
- 102 consciousness-altering deliberations further building up on them, and
- direct links/references to 102 associated books or texts by some of the most profound and truly influential spiritual masters in the history of humanity.
To help you with the math, this adds up to 808...
... (eight hundred and eight) ...
... transformative, and oftentimes transcendental, spiritual awakening - or self-realisation - “wisdom packages”.
Now, then…
… if this objectively momentous work and, very importantly, the promise it holds for you as a spiritual awakening seeker doesn’t sound compelling enough in your ears…
… then, of course, you should give it a pass.
Keep in mind, however, that it is extremely unlikely – I truly mean to say: “practically impossible” – that you’d find anywhere else…
… such an all-inclusive, versatile, multifaceted...
... yet also composed, targeted, pragmatic and singularly oriented...
... spiritual awakening compilation.
This Book Contains Virtually Anything…
… That You, As A Spiritual Awakening Seeker…
… Would Ever Need, Wish Or Dream Of.-
So, rest more than assured that if you get in your hands the, literally one-of-its-kind, spiritual guidance book "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth"…
… and if you truly go through it, end to end (and that is, indeed, a huge “if”) …
… there is nothing you will miss – no advice, no piece of knowledge, no technique, NOTHING – if…
… (and this is an even more ENORMOUS “if” than the previous one) …
… you are truly ready and keen on moving forward and realising…
… your spiritual awakening journey, your True Self…
… your (and yours ONLY)…
… One And Only Truth.
Now, as I said, this book is my magnum opus, my spiritual awakening “crown jewel”, if you like.
It crystallises and summarises my lifelong immersion into all the major secrets of Reality and of the (Human) Being…
… and my uncompromising persistence to reveal them and bring them to light.
Thus, let me repeat that it is absolutely no exaggeration to say that I have been working on composing this book…
… (and “composing” is a very appropriate verb, because, in a very real sense, this is also a spiritual awakening / self-realisation symphony) …
… for the past 30+ years.
(That is almost three and a half decades).
If you, then, consider the (immeasurable, in reality) effort and time I devoted to putting this book together…
… as well as the treasure trove of spiritual awakening wisdom, practical exercises and key, transformational references to the most elite spiritual masters of all times, which (I went out of my way to make sure) it contains…
... you would expect its price to be quite hefty, wouldn't you?
Let's see...
What would be a fair price for "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth", considering that - as I just demonstrated to you - it is the most complete and richest spiritual wisdom book you can find today?
Of course, in such cases, what is considered as "fair" is ultimately in the eye (and the mind) of the beholder, that is the reader, that is...
... you, of course.
This being clarified, let me now ask you:
If I were to put on this book a price tag that would be equal to the money I invested throughout these numerous years...
... acquiring all the spiritual books, texts and manuscripts you could think of (and a bit more than that) ...
... would you consider that to be fair?
Let's see:
I estimate to have read around 3,000 such books, each one of which set me back 25 US dollars on average.
(And these, mind you, are even conservative estimations, given that some of these books were extremely rare - and therefore costly - to locate and secure).
So, if acquiring the raw knowledge that I then transformed into this spiritual awakening master guide cost me about USD 75,000...
... (and this, of course, completely excludes the effort I devoted to reading all these books...
... extracting the key takeaways from each of them...
... and translating them into a condensed and digestible version, for any true spiritual seeker to be able to follow and apply) ...
... would it be fair to charge 75K for it?
Perhaps it would be too much, right?
What if I brought that price ten times down?
Would it be worth your while paying 7,500 US dollars to get the gist of the humankind's spiritual wisdom in just one book?
Still a bit too much, wouldn't you say?
What about cutting the book's price further down to 2,000 dollars?
How does that sound to you?
It seems somewhat more reasonable, right?
Always taking into account what you get back (not in the short run, but for the rest of your life), in terms of your spiritual return on investment.
I believe I could easily justify such a price for "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth".
And I know I could find lots of people willing to pay it.
... the actual price of the book is much, much lower than that.
Is it less than USD 1,000?
Is it even less than USD 500?
Oh, yes.
How much is it?
Dear friend and (hopefully; I cross my fingers for that...) earnest spiritual seeker,
There are two reasons why I chose the exact price of the book (that I'll reveal to you in a moment) in which you are evidently interested (otherwise - let's be frank with each other - you wouldn't have read all the way down to this point):
- It allows me to be able to make an independent living as a spiritual coach and a writer, and
- It enables me to continue serving one of my most crucial missions in this life and this world (which is the one I mentioned to you a few lines above: to wake you - and as many of you as possible - up to the One and Only Truth).
However, everything I just told you about me, my story and my reasoning for setting the price of "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth" is not what is of primary importance here.
What is of the utmost importance here unavoidably brings us back to the question I posed to you in the beginning of this text:
What would you be ready to invest to get all you'll ever need...
... in order to realise your spiritual awakening in one go?
If you would stand ready to invest just USD199.95...
... then you'd place (more like quantum leap...) yourself, without any unnecessary delay, to the mind-blowing, life-changing, consciousness-altering highway...
... of true and irrevocable self-realisation.
The price of USD 199.95 for "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth" is the official price you will find in my website.
Furthermore, it is also accompanied by a 30-day full money-back guarantee.
But wait a second...
Earlier on, I promised you a unique offer
which is valid if - and only if -
you stay with me on this very page.
And since you are still here with me, reading these very lines at this very moment...
... here's the special, one-time offer:
You can get, here and now (and, REMEMBER: only HERE and NOW!) ...
... the entire spiritual awakening "bible" - "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth" ...
... at a mind blowing 67% discount...
... (in other words: just at one third of the book's regular price) ...
... that is, for only USD 67...!!!
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Staggering 67% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
And... hold on...
... I have something more...
... for you and your peace of mind!
In particular, the "fail-safe" mechanism that I mentioned just above, and which applies for every purchase of "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth" at its regular price...
... is also applicable in the case of this special, one-time offer...!
Full Money-Back Guarantee Coming Up:
If you choose to go ahead and get your heavily discounted copy of “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… and within 30 days’ time as of the moment of your purchase you realise that this book is not for you and you believe you have wasted your money…
… all you’d need to do is write back to me (alex@alex-exarchos.com), very briefly explaining the reason why it failed to meet your self-realisation or spiritual awakening expectations …
… and you’d then get a full refund immediately, and without any further questions asked.
Given this, I'm quite sure that you'll agree with me on the fact that…
… You Truly Have Nothing At All To Risk Here!
Just, please, don't forget that...
This unique, one-time offer...
... is available to you...
... ONLY right here...
... and ONLY right NOW!
Which means that if you leave this page, your chance is gone for good...!
So, without any further ado:
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Staggering 67% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
This being said, and if, despite the 30-day full money-back guarantee, you still find the whoppingly discounted USD 67 fee difficult to stomach, I am in a position to offer you two alternatives.
Alternative number one:
You can get HERE and NOW the spiritual awakening “bible” for only USD 47…
… (that is, at an almost 80% discount against the standard price of the book)!
In this case, however, please note that the full refund guarantee, available in the previous option, does not apply.
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Whopping 77% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
Now, if you are still looking for an even more economical option, I can offer you alternative number two.
Alternative number two:
You can get HERE and NOW the spiritual awakening “bible” for an annual subscription fee of just USD 27…
… (that is, at an almost 90% discount against the standard price of the book)!
Just, please note that also here, as in the previous (alternative 1) case, the full refund guarantee does not apply.
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save An Incredible 87% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
To summarise, your options (which are available, lest you forget, only right here and right now) are the following:
One-Time Only Main Offer
(with a 30-day full refund guarantee, simply via an email to me – alex@alex-exarchos.com - briefly explaining why the book didn’t do the trick for you, and without any further questions asked):
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Staggering 67% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
One-Time Only Alternative Offer 1
(without a refund guarantee)
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Whopping 77% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
One-Time Only Alternative Offer 2
(without a refund guarantee)
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save An Incredible 87% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
Of course, all this being clarified…
… you also have the option of doing nothing at all...
... which – I won't lie to you – in some cases (is it yours, though?) may be the best one.
You see, if you don’t have the courage, the commitment, and the burning drive to move ahead, HERE and NOW, with your spiritual awakening journey…
... especially taking into account the unique, one-time, offers I just presented you...
… then, this book is clearly not for you.
In fact, if you consider yourself to belong to the category of human beings I just alluded to, I cannot help but wonder:
What In God’s Name Are You Doing Here?
Then, again, if you don’t get cold feet in the idea of your upcoming total transformation…
… (and I firmly believe this MUST be the case, since - can't you see it??? - you’ve ALREADY covered all this distance) …
… then, you simply have to quickly make up your mind:
Are You Ready To Realise Your One and Only Truth…
… In Your One And Only Way…
… Without Any Unnecessary, Or Even Counter-Productive Delay?
If your answer is YES…
… grab this literally unique opportunity...
... and get your heavily discounted spiritual awakening guide on “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… HERE and NOW!!!
(Once again, if you didn't take immediate advantage of this opportunity, you would do your - one and only true - Self, the biggest possible disservice)!!!
One-Time Only Main Offer
(with a 30-day full refund guarantee, simply via an email to me – alex@alex-exarchos.com - briefly explaining why the book didn’t do the trick for you, and without any further questions asked):
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Staggering 67% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
One-Time Only Alternative Offer 1
(without a refund guarantee)
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save A Whopping 77% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
One-Time Only Alternative Offer 2
(without a refund guarantee)
Click On The Red Button To Get NOW...
... “How To Realise Your One And Only Truth”…
… The Most Complete, Elite And Practical Spiritual Awakening Guide...
... You Are Ever Likely To Run Across…
... And Save An Incredible 87% Off The Book's Standard Price!!!
Don't hesitate any longer, dear friend and spiritual seeker:
Go ahead and secure your seriously discounted copy of "How To Realise Your One And Only Truth", while you still can...
... and watch yourself being (literally!) transformed...
... beyond your wildest dreams.-