Your Spiritual Journey Begins Here
Of An Exceptionally Easy And Simple To Follow
Spiritual Guidance Book
And Feel How It Is
To TOUCH, For The Very First Time
The Quintessence Of Spirituality

Are You Ready To Begin
Your Spiritual Awakening Journey
To The One And Only Truth Of Your Life?
It’s impossible to overstate this:
The Quicker One Realises One Is Sleeping
The Faster Will One Wake Up.
And you, dear friend and spiritual seeker, have already been "sleeping” for quite some time.
How long have you been sleeping for?
Probably, much longer than what you would be ready to accept or believe at this juncture of your lifetime.
But, you know something?
The mere fact of you finding yourself reading these lines, at this very moment…
… is a strong indication of your readiness and willingness to cut a long story short – that is your so-called “life story” - and get in touch with the “true reality” which shines…
… beneath, beyond and through it all.
Acknowledging, of course – of course! – that there is an associated and unavoidable price to pay…
… And Actually - And Consciously - Pay It!
“Why do I need to pay anything?”, we hear you asking?
Consider if the correct question is rather:
Why NOT Pay It…
… If That’s Necessary…
… For You To WAKE UP?
Here, we have to be emphatic on something which is so evident and simple that one can easily overlook it:
To Wake Up…
… Is NOT To Improve The Quality Of Your Dreaming!
To wake up is, instead, to dissolve the dream in which you were hitherto immersed.
This is so fundamental that we are obliged to repeat it…
… time (and time and time…) again.
… if you think that your spiritual awakening will allow you to live the “life of your dreams”…
… think again!
There is a contradiction in terms, here…
… in the sense that there is no room for dreaming for the truly awakened.
Spiritual awakening, you see, goes hand in hand with disruption and discontinuity, at the most fundamental level:
That of your identity and your “place in the world”.
And, by now, you may already have begun to touch upon a serious problem that any true spiritual awakening seeker has to confront (AND overcome), as of their very first, serious steps in this domain:
Words (even the most eloquent ones) point, indicate, direct – oftentimes in a helpful fashion - but, if taken at face value, can mislead and fail you miserably.
As of a certain point in time – and, in fact, sooner rather than later – the spiritual awakening seeker has to go beyond them.
To live is not to think and talk about life, in other… words (this is the land where paradox reigns supreme…
… and you’d better train yourself to be ready to coexist with this inherently paradoxical character of true spiritual awakening, and function, not in spite of it, but with its help).
True Living Is Alertness (A Perfectly Vivid Experience)…
… Unblemished By Any Mental Commentary…
… Or Any Prior Knowledge.
Even these words can be misleading, if taken too seriously - say, as a guide or recipe.
And this is quite funny, you see, because in a very real way it means that our attempt to help you can only work up to a point…
… The Rest Is Up To You!
And if our approach (and any spiritual awakening approach, for that matter) seems to work “perfectly” for a while…
… in the sense that you may feel that there’s nothing more you need to do than “applying” it…
… this can only be – again paradoxically, yet infallibly so - a sign of an imminent revelation of its insufficiency, even failure!
So, we have no option but to be fair and square with you:
At best, what we offer here is a springboard - not the “water” you want to dive into.
You have to jump and experience the “water” – which is perhaps not the worst metaphor for spiritual awakening… – for yourself…
… while understanding that upon you establishing contact with said “water”, there will likely be no room left for the old “you”…
… (the one you – thought you – were before you jumped)…
… not to mention that there may even be no actual “water” there at all…!
Have we lost you already?
Not so, if you are still here, with us, right?
That’s self-evident, you may say, but the correct question, here, is probably:
Is There A Truth That Is NOT Self-Evident?
Now before we proceed any further down the (worm or rabbit, depending on your style and taste) hole, we invite you to answer the following questions as honestly as you possibly can.
Don’t worry, there are no traps lurking here.
At least, no trap that you wouldn’t yourself want – if inadvertently, for now - to fall into!
So, to the questions:
1. Do you believe that true, spotless, uninterrupted happiness is something you can attain?
2. Are you truly ready to do whatever it takes…
… for the sake of you finding out what the big Truth is…
… about your life and the world in which you live…
… and accept any consequences that your quest for such Truth may inflict upon you…
… (or to be more accurate, who you now consider yourself to be)?
3. Do you stand ready to abandon any hardwired convictions you may have about…
… anything in your life…
… starting from the core building blocks or pillars that comprise your self-image?
4. Are you ready and willing to suspend in several critical instances (at least, to begin with)…
… what has likely been your number one tool, weapon and ally in your life thus far…
… that is, your intellect?
5. Do you feel confident that you can manage experiencing a feeling of profound, existential, unprecedented, even scarily overwhelming, aloneness…
… for the sake of you waking up to the True You?
6. Do you believe that you have the stomach to sustain and calibrate yourself as you go through all the psychological turmoil necessary (and in all likelihood you will have to face a lot of it)…
… until you stumble across the immovable certainty at the heart of the, perennially shapeshifting, uncertainty…
… also known (to you, and for the moment) as “yourself”?
7. In the tug of war taking place inside of you between your need for stability and security, on one hand…
… and your curiosity and sense of adventure, on the other…
… does the latter eventually have the last say?
If you found yourself nodding affirmatively seven times (one for each of the aforementioned questions)…
… and especially if you did so instinctively, reflexively, without the need to overthink about what the “correct” or “proper” answer should be in this case…
… you’re good to go!
As a bonus, you should consider yourself really good to go if the opportunity and promise these questions seem to imply…
… already fill you with enthusiasm and make your true heart of hearts eager to burst into a thunderous feast of singing and dancing!
On the other hand, if that’s not the case, perhaps what soon follows is not for you – at least, not now - and it’d probably be best if you stopped reading this text at this point.
In any case, please make up your mind right here and now, because it is very likely that there will be no return from what you are (potentially) about to immerse yourself into.
We don’t even need to emphasise this last statement by means of an exclamation mark or any other such gimmick:
It Is Simply How (And What) It Is.
And here’s our final question to you, in the current phase of our interaction:
Does this last thing sound like a promise or rather like a threat to you?
Don’t be perplexed – can’t you see that your answer has already been prepared and served to you…
… by you?
(Or to be more specific:
By whom you TRULY are)?
This is only obvious, dear friend and spiritual seeker – and if you are in a position to see it right now, as far as we are concerned, you may give yourself permission to proceed.

You, yourself and the world.
A problem and a revelation.
In both cases, five words...
Five, you know, is a crucial number.
In reality, it’s the smallest number the human mind can truly (practically, pragmatically) comprehend.
It’s neither one, nor is it two, three or four.
Do you want that we take these numbers… one by one to show you it is so?
Here we go:
One is not only “the loneliest number”, as the song goes – it is also the most mystical one.
As well as… the hollowest one, as the concept of oneness necessarily means that all the (practically, infinite) things you perceive and interact with…
… are different aspects – or “components”, even if that latter term is quite misleading – of an indescribable Unity (without really, though, being contained within It - ergo the hollowness).
This Unity that evades any attempt to verbally describe It is…
… The One That Binds Them All Together…
… and for Which no one can speak.
You see, in the total absence of any difference, any distinction whatsoever, your mind is simply incapable to conceive any movement (thus, also any trace of life) …
… and this is why it is incapable of grasping number one.
So, we need to move ahead to number two.
But two immediately needs three.
You have one thing AND another thing, correct?
Still, hang on a second:
Is it three or is it rather…
… five?????
One thing and another thing.
I am (1)…
… thing X (2)…
… and (3)…
… you are (4)
… thing Y (5).
You should, therefore, view five as the starting point of ANY human comprehension and communication.
Now, did this numerological analysis tire you?
Or confuse you?
If that’s a consolation, it’s not conceptual clarity that you should primarily strive for in the course of your spiritual awakening journey.
Anyway, the idea of conceptual clarity and elegance…
… is but an idea.
And as you shall quickly discover, if you are truly serious in your commitment to follow through with this journey, the key here has nothing to do with coining and adding new ideas to your head.
It Is Rather Found…
… In Dropping As Many Of Them As You Possibly Can!
(If not all of them) ...
Now, then:
Why Would You Want To Wake Up?
What do you hope or aspire to get for yourself out of your spiritual awakening?
What could that thing be?
Here, you may want to NOT be too quick in looking for an answer…
… since this is what we could safely classify as a trap question!
You see, whatever you’d answer to it – the mere fact of you simply looking for an answer – would be missing the point.
The point being:
The Self You Think You Are Is An Illusion.
It’s a charade; a fraud, even.
The (YOUR!) problem is:
You Cannot Dissolve An Illusion…
… From Within The Illusion!
Exactly like how one is in no position to save oneself from drowning by grabbing one’s hair and pulling oneself out of the water!
That’s a pretty helpful and self-explanatory image, actually…
… not to mention that it alludes, yet once more…
… to “water” as a metaphor for spiritual awakening.
“Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down”, as the Talking Heads sing in their momentous, truly “once in a lifetime” (and, perhaps, even in multiple lifetimes) song.
In the Land of Liberating Paradoxes, you see, you may eventually manage to save yourself from drowning…
… by giving up your very struggle to save yourself from drowning!
And this is what true surrender means…
However, be very mindful of the fact that surrendering is by no means equivalent to giving up and adopting an entirely passive stance in your day-to-day, moment-to-moment, affairs.
To Surrender To (Your) Life’s Flow…
… Is To Become Life’s Servant Or Instrument…
… Not Its Withdrawn Bystander!
In any case, if you dare, try and become completely alienated from everything that is happening in your life and see what happens…
(Spoiler alert: your, forced and artificial, effort to keep a distance from the “existential mud” that you may identify your so-called “life” with will draw you even deeper within it).
No, the surrender we are looking for here is one that comes spontaneously, in a smooth and hassle-free fashion.
You submit yourself to everything that life gives you or your way throws and – again, paradoxically - you become free.
… you move yourself out of the way of… yourself and allow the “drama” (the play, the fun, the Game) to unfold without any resistance on your part whatsoever.
This is the Game of Selfhood.
The Parade (as well as Charade, as well as… Raid) of the infinite masks that you are wearing and which are hiding from you what is found…
… not exactly in plain sight, but rather in the lack of any sight whatsoever:
Your Life’s One And Only Truth!

The One And Only Truth…
The great mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascale had once argued along the following lines:
It makes more sense to believe in a God than to not believe in one…
… because if “It” actually existed…
… the benefits of you believing in “It”…
… would far exceed the benefits of you not believing in “It”, if “It” didn’t exist.
In the same way, if there were a big, overwhelming, globally valid, One and Only, Truth about you and your life…
… (and we claim that there IS such a Truth) …
… it most certainly wouldn’t hurt you at all to at least entertain the possibility of Its existence!
Because, if we are wrong and you eventually realise (or convince yourself) that there is no such thing, then you will just find yourself where you were, right before embarking upon your quest for such Truth…
… not having lost anything, other than a, relatively little, amount of your available time in this life.
On the other hand, if there is One and Only Truth about your life…
… exploring It is worth any investment of time, resources or effort on your side…
… as literally EVERYTHING within you and in the world you observe around you…
… would depend on - and originate in - It!
Moreover, there is another tremendously important benefit that you would enjoy in case such One and Only Truth were not a mirage (and you would actively seek It):
Your Intellectual Quest About The Nature Of The World And Your Self…
… Would Come To A Definitive End.
Of course – and it’s a good sign if you have accepted this by now – intellectual comprehension is not everything in the spiritual awakening path.
Not only that, but in a sense everything that truly matters starts - or at least extends - beyond your mind’s (conventional or not-so-conventional) conceptual capabilities.
… realising that you don’t need to trouble your mind any longer in the search for a valid “principle of truthfulness”…
… one that would apply anywhere, under any circumstance and without any exception…
… is not something you could so easily dismiss, could you?
No, not really, right?
Especially if you belong to this rare breed of:
- acutely intellectually curious,
- insatiably knowledge-hungry, and
- evermore open to spiritual advancement,
human beings.
And we know that you immediately recognise yourself in those last words…
… otherwise, there is no chance you would have progressed so far (and deep…) with this text.
So, You Are Truly Ready For What Follows…
… Right After (And Based Upon) What We Have Discussed Thus Far…
… Are You Not?
The One And Only Truth Manifesto.
This is what follows.
We wrote it for you – and you are meant to read it.
Upon you doing so, we guarantee that you will have intellectually grasped what is this notorious One and Only Truth…
… Which is running not only your life, but also all the affairs of the vast Cosmos, in their most minute detail.
Of course, reading the One and Only Truth Manifesto will, in all likelihood…
… (even though you - or anybody else - can, literally, never know) …
… NOT lead to your “automatic” Self-realisation…
… a.k.a. your spiritual awakening.
Still, after reading the Manifesto carefully, from beginning to end…
… you will surely have all you need so that you can do whatever it is that you are required to do…
… (and so that you can stay away from doing what you should avoid doing) …
… in your ensuing spiritual awakening journey…
… and, moreover, you will probably be in the position to enjoy it fully, as it’s unfolding….
… without getting too carried away by its, always passing, ebbs and flows.
So, if this truly sounds enticing to you, go ahead and get your free copy of the One and Only Truth Manifesto.
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
Anyway, you have literally nothing to lose.
This Manifesto is for free.
We only ask for your name and email address before sharing it with you.
We do so in order to be able to establish a communication line between us, through which we could then share with you in the coming days and weeks what we firmly believe are some of the most key spiritual awakening messages (and, which, of course will also be entirely free of charge).
Rest assured that you can sever this communication line at any point you wish to – immediately and irretrievably.
Now, then…
Are You Ready And Willing To Go Through…
… The One And Only Truth Manifesto?
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
Are You Excited Enough For Your Upcoming Spiritual Awakening And Transformation Journey?
And Are You Courageous Enough To Discover For Yourself The True Meaning Of…
… Easier Done Than Said?
If your answer is a big, overwhelming, uncompromising YES…
… then just click the red button below, fill-in your name and email address, get your free copy of the One and Only Truth Manifesto…
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
… and prepare to feel truly, vibrantly, overwhelmingly alive…
… (for the first time since God knows when) …
… by getting rid of everything that hides from you…
… what to live in (the One and Only) Truth is actually all about.-