The Essence Of Happiness
A Free Spiritual Guidance Book
About You And The World You Live In
And Free Yourself (AT ONCE!)
From All Your Illusory Troubles And Limitations

Who wouldn’t want permanent happiness?
Freedom from any bondages or obligations?
Unperturbed peace of mind?
A life filled with love, excitement and serendipity?
Who wouldn’t want to wake up every morning feeling super-energised and gratefully impatient for whatever awaits one in the day that is dawning…
… feeling that this – like any other - day would be nothing less than full or promise and infinite potential?
To know, each and every moment, that there is truly nothing to worry about?
Who wouldn’t want to be immersed in bliss, all the time, and regardless of the occasional, fleeting (both external and internal) circumstances surrounding one?
Wouldn’t YOU want that?
Here, your obvious answer would – at least, in all likelihood - be “yes”…
… but you must take into account that the question to which you’d be so keen to answer…
… is probably misleading.
The correct question, you see, would rather be:
Are You Sure That You Want All This?
Which leads us to an even more important question you need to ask yourself:
Do You Realise What It Is…
… That You Would Have To Give Up…
… In Order To Wake Up To The One And Only Truth…
… About Yourself And The Universe?
We are asking, because…
… yes, assuming it does exist, such One and Only Truth would set you free…
… but the liberated “you” wouldn’t have much in common with the current “you”.
(Or, better, with the present perception you entertain and maintain about yourself).
So, we have no option but to advise extreme caution…
… to anyone seriously seeking to embark upon one’s quest for happiness.
And, actually, caution barely suffices here…
If you want to be a true happiness seeker, much more is required from you.
We’re talking about things which may sound slightly old-fashioned to your ears…
… (especially if you happen to be too absorbed in your world’s contemporary affairs).
Things such as:
Courage, Commitment, Persistence, Compassion, Openness, Creativity…
… as well as a burning desire for everything that is genuinely mysterious, majestic, unknown…
… wholeheartedly accepting the fact that this desire may burn you (the “old”, false you)…
… yet, not consume you – only rebaptise you to the One and Only Truth about your Self and All That Is.
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
Does this sound intriguing to your ears?
Do you feel – HERE and NOW, as you are reading these lines - a profound resonance with what we said…
… and, more importantly, with what is hidden behind our words…
… (primarily because no one could spell it out) …
… which you could not deny, even if you wanted to?
Then – and only then – you may, indeed, be ready to begin your true, transformative journey to unshakable happiness.
And the ideal starting point of this journey of yours?
You are about to see it before your eyes:
It Is…
… (can you hear the – paradoxically, completely silent - drum roll?) …
… The One And Only Truth Manifesto.
But before you rush to secure your free copy of said Manifesto...
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
... do yourself a favour and continue reading this text.
It will not take you too long, we promise.
And it’s worth to hold your proverbial (true happiness) horses for a while, as you have to consciously see…
… if this is something that makes sense to you.
So, at this point, we invite you to close your eyes and take as many deep breaths as you want…
… before you reopen them.
Please, don’t cheat.
Be sure to follow our guidance.
It’ll help you.

Are you back with us?
So, now, read and reflect on the following:
There are at least three layers of your existence as a human being.
First of all, there is who you think you are, who you take yourself to be.
This boils down to a set of concepts, images, basically ideas, that you hold in relation to your identity.
Would you, then, argue against the fact that:
The Firmer You Hold Them Ideas About Yourself…
… The More Hardwired They Become…
… And, Eventually, The More Intensely And Critically…
… They End Up Defining Your Life?
(We assume you probably wouldn’t).
These Ideas Comprise Your “Self-Image”.
And, as far as you’re concerned, this totality of perceptions or assumptions about your core identity exists nowhere else than inside your head.
Okay, good.
Then, let’s move to the second layer of your existence as a human being.
This is the sum of things which you see and acknowledge that the world in which you live (be it other human beings or the society at large or even impersonal forces of any kind) demand of you.
This essentially comes down to a hodgepodge of duties, obligations and requests to comply (passively or actively) with external rules, regulations, limitations, desires and wishes of one or the other sort.
The key here is to realise that it’s again YOU who has to accept all these elements - apparently originating outside of you - and integrate them into your life.
All these are also, at the end of the day, nothing but abstract concepts, musings, ideas.
These Things Form Your Self-Image Perimeter.
They delineate the (also, imaginary) area in which you allow yourself a relatively absolute freedom of movement (literally and metaphorically speaking).
Relatively absolute freedom?
Yes - and welcome to the stark contradiction that you have caged yourself into, in this so-called “life” of yours.
You see, while within this imaginary “area” of ever-shifting borders you seem to grant yourself absolute freedom…
… this “absoluteness” all but depends on your relative mood.
And Your “Relative Mood” Is But A Hostage…
… To Your Mind’s Incessant, Confusing And Divisive…
… Noise.
Are you already confounded enough?
If yes, good – if not, reread the last 20 lines or so and then come back, hopefully having reached that state of mental chaos!
If not evident to you by now, realise that:
Unorthodoxy Is The Name Of The Game Here!
For your (so to say) Spirit to wake up, you see…
… the conventional way you have been taught and also convinced yourself, all your life, to approach…
… both “yourself” (who you take yourself to be) and your “external reality”…
… has to go to deep sleep.
Ideally, the kind of sleep from which one shall never emerge again…!
… we are left with the third and final layer of your existence as a human being.
And that is:
Who You Truly Are.
Beyond concepts, ideas, abstractions (all of which – not to forget, NEVER to forget – are yours alone).
This Is Your Self.
No images, no perimeters, no nothing.
Your One and Only True Self.
Who is perhaps not that different (spoiler alert: it’s ONE AND THE SAME “THING”)…
… from the One and Only Truth of the entire Cosmos.
And while it is an indisputable fact that no one – never, ever - could hope to comprehensively describe and “objectify” your One and Only True Self, the One and Only Truth…
… it is still possible to, somewhat, talk about It.
And That Is What We Have Attempted At Doing…
… In Our One And Only Truth Manifesto.
You can get it right here and now, entirely for free and without any strings attached, just by filling in your name and email in the form you will find after you click on the red button below.
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
We ask for your email to give the opportunity to our spokesperson and editor-in-chief of the One and Only Truth (or Happiness, if you like) Manifesto, Alex Exarchos, to get in touch with you in the coming days and weeks.
In particular, Alex will be sharing with you a series of emails that will further elaborate on what you will read in the One and Only Truth Manifesto.
This additional content on your journey towards true happiness that you will receive is also entirely free of charge.
Moreover, you will receive – for free, as well - on a regular basis our private spiritual awakening (=pursuit of true happiness) correspondence with Alex, also known as the One and Only Truth Journal.
To be sure, you can choose to sign off from our correspondence list and stop receiving our emails, via Alex, at any point in time.
You can do so extremely easily and with immediate effect.
Now, having clarified all this, we assume that you may be wondering:
Who Are We?
At this juncture – that is, as you are still considering whether you shall onboard this specific “ship of true happiness” or not - we’d rather not say.
Not for reasons of “secrecy”, but rather because it would probably be pointless.
That is, in all likelihood, it’d mean nothing to you.
If later on you’re still interested to find out more about us, Alex will be happy to provide you more information and…
… (who knows…?) …
… even guide you and introduce you to us.
But we are not there yet.
For now, all you have to do, is click on the red button right below, then fill-in your name and email address in the simple form that will pop-up…
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
… to get, right here and now, your 100% free copy of the One and Only Truth Manifesto.
Still considering it, eh?
It is then likely, then, that this Manifesto is not for you.
At least not for now.
Perhaps you are even not meant to read the Manifesto in your present lifetime.
(Allow yourself to assume, for a moment, that there will be another one, without relying too much on such assumption, though) …
On the other hand, if you read all the way down to this point, it might be fair to say that you’re balancing on the proverbial (?) ledge, asking yourself:
“Should I Get This Darn Thing…
… Or Should I Give It A Pass?”.
Let us maybe try to help you by giving you a gentle push.
Now, this is a special kind of push that, in itself, has no predetermined momentum or direction.
The Latter SOLELY Depends On You.
On your present predisposition, to be more accurate.
… if you are ready for the One and One Truth Manifesto…
… if you are actually willing to start your journey to true happiness, without any delay…
… our push may prove to be the catalyst, promptly leading you to your Destiny.
If, on the other hand…
… now (in the narrow or broad sense of this extremely crucial three-letter word) is not the right time for you…
… our push will make you realise it, and not feel any doubts or concerns for skipping our present offer.
All clear?
Are you ready?
Please do the following.
Stand in front of a mirror and look yourself deeply in the eyes (as deeply as you can, in fact).
Then, read out loudly, clearly and slowly to yourself – it may help if you imagine addressing the “True You” while doing so – the following two short phrases, placing the same strong emphasis on each and every word:
1. I Am Waking Up To Us.
2. I Am Waking Up To Me.
Did you feel a click or a small, yet discreet, disturbance somewhere inside of you while doing so?
If yes, which phrase was it that triggered it?
If it was the first one, we strongly recommend you read the One and Only Truth Manifesto.
Here you go:
Fill-in your name and email after clicking on the red button right below, and It’ll be yours:
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
If it was the second phrase that triggered that little “click” (which is difficult to describe, but it’s unmistakable when it comes to feeling it), take a little break – perhaps go out for a walk – and then resume this exercise, exactly in the same way as before.
Again, if you feel the “click” upon reciting the first phrase, don’t hesitate, get the Manifesto.
Are You Ready And Willing To Find Out...
... What Is The One And Only Truth...
... About The World, Your Life, And...
... Your Very Own (?) Self...?
But if you, once again, feel it “hitting” you when you read the second phrase, you’d best skip It.
This is not for you.
At least, not right now.
And, of course, if you felt no such “click” whatsoever, then feel confident to give the whole thing a pass (at least, for now), without entertaining any second thoughts or remorse of any kind.
We are willing to bet, however, that you probably do not belong in this last category…
And, in any case…
… rest assured that we will see you…
… now or later (or even – who can really tell? - much “later”)…
… at the Base Camp.
Where we all are heading to.
We leave you, for now, with the core, paradoxical equation of Being: