There is only one problem.
There is only one true glitch in the system.
One obstacle, one impediment, one shadow, obstructing your clear view to the truth about your life.
I could say that you can only solve this problem here and now, but, at the end of the day, this would be rather inaccurate…
… given that this “problem” (is not solved, but) ceases to exist…
… strictly nowhere and in no time.
If the whole thing looks to you like an impossible conundrum, it is because that’s exactly what it is.
And perhaps the quickest way you can pick your way out of this existential dead end is to accept its impossibility as such…
… while stopping, not just feeling dejected, but even caring about it.
In other words, the best you can do is move on with your life as it unfolds moment by moment, while preventing the fundamental existential question, which previously tormented you, from occupying your thoughts any longer.
To be even clearer about it:
You Accept That At The Core Of Your Human Existence…
… Lies A Problem Or (Even Better) A Hole That Nothing Can Solve Or Fill.
You cannot imagine (you literally cannot imagine; you can only experience it - and, as we shall see, even this is questionable) ...
... how liberating such a profound – yet, simple; truly and extremely simple - acceptance can be for you.
Notice, dear reader, that I am yet to explicitly define this problem.
Consider this, though:
How “Real” Is A Hole?
Come to think of it, it’s both “real” in its “unreality” and “unreal” in its “reality”, isn’t it?
Do you feel the truth of this last question/statement, without intellectually comprehending it (which, again, you anyway cannot)?
I need you here to nod in explicit agreement.
You Need To Give Me A Big, Strong, Immovable YES.
Because, if you truly want to proceed further to the Heart of Hearts of all that is (=all that you truly are), you must feel the truth of this cryptic aphorism, even a little bit.
You have to sense that this all makes… well… sense in a way that is not exactly “irrational” …
… but which goes beyond (in fact, way beyond) any such distinctions, such as “rational” versus “irrational”, or even “true” versus “false”.
(If you don’t sense anything like that, you’d best stop reading this text right now.
Especially if you fail to come to any kind of terms with the foundational uncertainty that supports and animates it).
All this (partly and deliberately non-sequential) rambling is (also) meant to urge you to..
…Stop Looking Around For A Definition...
... Of Something Which Is Undefinable…
… while, at the same time, convince you (force you, even, if need be) to understand that you must know and consciously accept...
... that this problem that you cannot for the life of you grasp does indeed exist.
Here, now, forever, and ever.
Your acceptance of this reality, provided that it’s true and unwavering, will then set in motion the process that will result in you not worrying about this elusive problem any longer.
And the rest is not history, but ever-present, ever-vibrant and immensely enjoyable reality.
Enjoyable And Joyful.
Here, though, please pay careful attention:
A Truly Enjoyable And Joyful Life...
... Is Not A Life In Which Everything Is “Good” And “Positive”.
“Good” and “positive”, that is, from the point of view of whom you take yourself to be, that is…
… whom you consider yourself to be, that is…
… Whom You THINK Yourself To Be.
Because. while (undoubtedly)...
... now you are thinking this…
… now you are thinking that…
… and now you are thinking not...
... in each case – and in any case, for that matter…
… what you think, or what you don’t think, matters infinitely less than who the thinker or – attention! – the non-thinker is.
Who is that?
It Is (All At Once)...
...The (Real/Unreal) "Hole" We Were Talking About…
… The (Everlasting) Light That Shines Through It…
… As Well As...
... The Fleeting Reflections That This Never-To-Become Extinct Light Constantly Generates.
In other words…
… it’s who you truly are.
And here’s your problem.
Come on, don’t you see it?
How can Infinity fit into anything that is finite?
And why should It fit?
This being said…
… one (you) should also be mindful of the fact that Infinity cannot be experienced (not, at least, in the conventional sense that you typically associate with the word "experience").
I mean to say:
How could it be experienced, given that...
... Infinity is where the Experiencer, the Experience, and the Experienced are / become all but One, Indivisible, Unity.
Do you see the issue at hand better, now, dear reader?
I’m just playing with words here, tiptoeing around, through and among them, but ultimately…
… (and after a certain point at which sooner or later - make no mistake - you shall arrive) …
… words are but a meaningless smokescreen.
Yet, this (written words) is all you and I have for the moment so as to communicate with each other.
But in spite (as well as because) of that, the question that is really important to you is:
What Exactly Can You Do?
Well, it depends on where you stand at this very moment, in which you are reading these lines.
How hungry (or even fed up) you feel with respect to your spiritual awakening quest – your quest for true understanding of everything that matters...
... or liberation from anything that keeps you (the true You) grounded and, oftentimes, suffocatingly limited.
Depending exactly on the degree of this existential hunger (or frustration) of yours...
... you may be ready and mature to browse through this…
… or read this…
… or attend this…
… or even go for a deep dive into this.
The choice is of course yours; yet, the ensuing key question that (unavoidably) arises is:
Will Your Choice Be In Alignment...
... With Whom You Truly Are, That Is...
... With What You Have Really, Truly, Madly, Deeply (And Always) Been Craving For?
But surely…
… you must realise that you’ve already answered this specific question a long, long time ago…
… don't you?!?